Everyone is aware of the threats and effects of the Corona Virus.  Every effort has to be taken to save lives.

Inanda Club and ICB is in full support of the President’s’ actions to contain the spread of the virus in South Africa.  As unpleasant as the iminent lock down is going to be it is totally necessary to try to keep the disease out of the high density areas.

Although we are lucky to have a big property and plenty of space it has to be shut down to all but emergency personnel throughout the lock down.  We are fortunate that management and most of the staff are residential and we are well stocked and in a good position to look after the 68 horses that are here and the pack of hounds.

From midnight on Thursday all external gates will be locked and no outsiders allowed in and no staff or their families are permitted to leave. We are committed to this and will take severe action against anyone transgressing these rules. For those with horses stabled at Country Base, we will issue regular updates.

We have plans in place with our vets and farriers

for serious problems and have a high pressure washer to keep their work area sterile.  If everybody in the country takes their part seriously, normality should return fairly soon and ICB will again be open for all its usual activities.  We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Lock down

Stay Home, Stay Safe